Transportation of Hazardous Goods

In Hungary, the conditions and requirements of transportation of hazardous goods are regulated by laws and legal regulations. In many cases, clients approach us after the first severe fine, although not only the legal regulations should be complied with, but our environment should also be protected.

Innight has a unique complex system in Hungary, suitable for the transportation of hazardous goods.

Each vehicle of our Company is suitable for such transportation and our couriers have the licences required for it. The full ADR coverage of our system offers security as well as a cost effective solution.

If you are not aware of the effective legal regulations applicable to the transportation of hazardous goods, our Company's advisor will visit you for a short survey.

Hazardous Goods

Hazardous goods are goods (materials and objects) which involve fire and explosion risk or potential health (primarily poisonous and corrosive impacts) or environmental damages during transportation, and which are identified as such in the hazardous goods transportation regulations of the transport sector.

The hazardous goods are classified based on a UN number described in the regulations and the related transport definition, and ... i.e., they are classified into a goods category.

Special symbols are used for marking the UN categories. In addition, the goods are contained in a database with the so-called UN number, where they are classified by hazard class, risks depending on the quantity and other similar criteria.

ADR means the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

The ADR consists of the Agreement and its two Annexes (specifically, Annex A, "General Provisions and Provisions Concerning Dangerous Substances and Articles") and Annex B, "Provisions Concerning Transport Equipment and Transport Operations"). The ADR Agreement was signed in Geneva in 1957 and Hungary joined it in 1979. The provisions of Annexes A and B are adjusted to the development of science and technology and the latest edition is known as ADR 2009 (announce din Act LVIII of 2009 [1]).

The entry into force of ADR in the European Union was ordered in the 2008/68/EC Directive of the European Parliament and Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods of 24 September 2008 [2]. The Annex of the Directive contains the differences in the national legislation of the various EU Member States.

Annex 2 of the 38/2009. (VIII.7.) Decree of the Minister of Transport, Communications and Energy KHEM [3] contains some alleviations for the application of ADR in Hungary.


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